Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sabuy Sabuy

OK, we've eaten at our first College Avenue restaurant, at the corner of Broadway and College; Sabuy Sabuy!

We don't know what a Sabuy is, but we do know what they serve. Thai food.

What we ordered

Appetizer: Chicken Satay - Decent. Chicken was tender, but the peanut sauce was a little bland. The little bowl of cucumber salad was tangy and crisp.

Salad: Beef Salad - Tasted exactly like hamburgers. It was weird, but we ate most of it. Would probably not order this again.

Main Course: Green Curry - We ordered it spicy, and they did not mess around, which we liked. Pretty standard coconut based curry with lots of hot peppers.

Oh, Sabuy, Sabuy, Sabuy. The service is great, really nice staff (except this one lady made a weird face at Bri). The food is... fine. There is just nothing to set this apart from other Thai places; nothing to make us want to go there again.

All in all, we give Sabuy Sabuy 2.5 Sabuys out of a possible 5 Sabuys.

Singha Beer

Green Curry

Next stop... College Point Cafe.

P.S. Sabuy!

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